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Lhasa Apso Articles

Tibetan dog breed, courtesy of EL Minja's Lhasa Apso kennel
Mrs Sylvia van Tatenhove van Roosenbroek

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Lhasa Apso article by Matt McLaughlin Proud Lhasa Apso Owner

I had never seen a Lhasa Apso before up until a few days ago.  My wife works at a wholesale nursery that specializes in palm trees and various cut flowers.  Needless to say it's a giant plot of land in the middle of nowhere miles away from anything.  Earlier this week, two of the cutters on their four wheelers drove two miles out to retrieve some flowers for shipping.  Now, this piece of property has it's own rolling valleys and high mountain terrain and for this reason they grow a ton of flowers from various regions.  One of the cutters was in the mountainous area where he saw a little dog covered in mud.  The dog approached him and hopped on the four wheeler.  She was driven two miles back to the main office where my wife works.  Other than this office, there is nothing for miles.

My wife brought the Lhasa Apso dog home to give her a bath and examine her wounds for she has worked with animals most of her life.  We gave her a thorough cleansing and realized she had a long black and white coat.  What amazed me the most was the length of her claws.  I mean they were so long that they actually curled around which shows me she has been out in the wild for quite some time.  Her paws were raw and sore, her legs were cut up all over, and she was pretty skinny.  I called my mother who manages a pet hospital and she came over with a kit along with antiseptics.  

We trimmed her nails and attended her wounds.  After that, she drank a bowl of water and slept for about 18 hours,  My wife and I didn't know what to do with her but we decided to let her heal at our house for a few days.  

Day one:  She barely moves and when she does it's with a limp.  She drinks two bowls of water.

Day two:  She finally eats and can walk without limping.

Day three:  She is totally fine and running around.

I can not imagine what this dog has been through in an area crawling with coyotes, mountain lions and the occasional black bear.  After some speculation I put a picture of her on the internet and got a few responses stating she was a Lhasa Apso.  I went online and looked up the breed.  After reading up on the breed, I understand now how she survived the mountainous terrain for such a long period of time and I'm sure there is a little cave in those mountains which she called home for quite some time.  Her spirit inspires me and of course we have decided to keep her.  

She has obviously been named Benji.

Matt McLaughlin
Proud Lhasa Apso Owner   



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