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Lhasa Apso Articles

Tibetan dog breed, courtesy of EL Minja's Lhasa Apso kennel
Mrs Sylvia van Tatenhove van Roosenbroek

At this Lhasa Apso organization website we will provide you with all kind of Lhasa Apso articles;

The following article is from Ericka who is writing how she came across the Lhasa Apso breed:

The dog that cure my soul Im 34 years old and I've been married for almost 13 years to the most wonderfull man God gave me.

We have a girl of 8 years and wanting to have at least 1 more, we treat everything to have it, but after losing 5 pregnancies, the last one of twins that I lost at 4 months due to a pulmonary embolism that almost cause my death.

We decide to stop looking for a baby and continue our lives, that was almost 2 years ago. But deep in my soul I feel something died, cause its hard for me to see some womans that can have childs so easy and some of them dont treat them right or dont apreciate the gift live give them, anyways even that my husband everytime told me that he loves me and that our girl have friends so she's not alone to play but deep inside me I was angry with live.

Almost a year ago, exactly on January 2008, I was surfing on the internet, just looking and loosing time, with out notice I was looking at a wed page of dogs and I saw the cuttest dog I didnt see in my live, I print the picture and show it to my husband, he start looking at it for long time and I was waiting for a response, even without asking he knows what I was trying to say, that I want that dog.

He didnt told me anything and went to the phone and called a friend of him and give me the picture back and just kissed me without a word. Two days later he brought his friend home and ask me for the picture of the dog.

I showed it to him and he told me in less than a minute ''thats a beautifull lhasa apso dog'' and told us lots of things of that breed, after 2 hours of conversation my husband told me, do you want to have a child with 4 legs and tons of hair? A second after I was kissing hugging him and he was laughing asking me, yes or no? I said of course yessssssssss.

His friend was a dog breeder and he told us that he went to europe years ago and he saw a breeder competing with really good show Lhasas, he promise us to find the name of the breeder. Well we start reading books and info about that breed, and we feel in love with lhasas, 2 weeks later his friend give us the name of the breeder he told us, how he find it?, we dont know, but I prefer to say God find it for him.

We put the name on yahoo finder and kaboommmmmmmmm we get it, and send it an email asking for a show quality lhasa, that was on february 2008, she answer me the email, I have to confess that since the moment I open the email and find out she said she got it, I start smiling again.

Well my baby little princess was born on january 3, 2008 and was on february that I find it, on april 2008 she fly home to us, on airport was my husband, my mother, my mother in law, my sister, my nephews, my princess girl of 8 and of course me specting her, I was crying when the airport guy give me my little princess, I was shaking, crying and smiling at same time, my husband eyes with lots of tears and my girl saying now we are a full house.

I will never stop thanking to that breeder for giving us the chance of having one of her puppies, we consider her part of our family. My 4 legs child's name is Chayenne, she have her own room, even a grooming room, we take her almost anywhere, she's our little baby, but this November my husband told me that he thinks we're prepare to have more four legs childs, and if God want we will have a big family on 2009.

I have to tell you Chayenne cure my soul, cause everytime I see those eyes, I can look inside of me, my husband, my girl, my Chayenne give me a lesson of how a dog and lot of love can save a life, cause it saves mine.

with love, Ericka



Lhasa Apso Love



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