Res.Best In Show for Xivas!
FANTASTIC weekend on the island of Bornholm for Jette with her Lhasa Apso BIS.BISS. Multi CH. El Minja's Xivas picture is Xivas at the ruins of "Hammershus".

30.06.2012 Lhasa Specialty, judge: Mr.Hans Van Den Berg.NL
BIS.BISS. Multi CH. El Minja's Xivas Best Of Breed ***res.BEST IN SHOW***
1.07.2012 DKK, Int Show, judge: Mr.Nils Molin SE
BIS.BISS. Multi CH. El Minja's Xivas Best Of Breed, CACIB
Xivas his daughter, DEVDHCH,DECH,LVCH,EECH Merrriott's Cool Cat "Stella" won Best Of Sex, with CAC,CACIB and obtained her title of DANISH CHAMPION.
Congratulations to his owners Jette and Ole.

Good news from Canada!
News From EL Minja´s Geleg called "Winston" owned by Elizabeth Boehmer and shown by Elizabeth;
At THE HAMILTON KENNEL CLUB, Ancaster, Ontario in Canada, Winston won:
Thursday June 21, 2012 - Judge - Lisa Avery, Winner's Dog and Best of Breed.
Saturday June 23, 2012 - Judge - Dr. Thomas Jakkel, Winner's Dog.
Sunday June 24, 2012 - Judge - Virginia Lyne, Winston won Reserve Winner's Dog.
EL Minja´s Geleg "Winston" is the brother of Ch EL Minja´s Gyalwan who lives in the USA, thank you Elizabeth and congratulations!

Lhasa Apso Judge Mrs Lisa Avery with EL Minja´s Geleg and Elizabeth.

Best In Group 9 for Yeshey!
and International Champion!!!
We had a great time at the Int. Dogshow in Erfurt, Germany.
The Dogshows were on Saturday and Sunday 9-10 june 2012;
Saturday National show: EL Minja´s Thinley won the certificates CAC/VDH and
Ch EL Minja´s Yeshey won the CAC/VDH with Best Of Breed and select in the Group finals,
Breed judge Mr. Walter Schicker Group judge Mrs. Barbara Muller.
Sunday International show: EL Minja´s Thinley won the certificates CAC/VDH/Res CACIB and Ch. EL Minja´s Yeshey won the CAC/VDH/CACIB with Best Of Breed and won also the Group 9 with 1st placement, also Yeshey won her International Champion Title!!!for the BIS it was the Basenji who won overall.
Entry for this Erfurt weekend just over 4000 dogs.

Group judge Mr Harry Tast, Yeshey and Frank.
Photo by Roberto winning FCI Group 9

Judge for the Lhasa Apso breed Mrs. Resi Rubbelke, Thinley and Sylvia.
Good news from the USA!
In the USA At Saturday's Colorado Springs Kennel Club our Ch EL Minja´s Gyalwan (Rocky) won under judge Norman Patton the Best Of Breed and in the Non-Sporting Group under Ms Beverly Capstick he was awarded a Group 3.!
EL Minja's Thinley won at the International Dogshow Arnhem in Netherlands, under judge Mrs Wil Schrander CAC/CACIB for the first time at the dogshow in Netherlands, thank you Mrs W Schrander.

New Champion Titles " American Champion" for Rocky and Candy

At the Utah Valley Kennel Club and Intermountain Kennelclub Dogshows South Jordan, USA Lhasa Apso CH. EL Minja's Snyin Nye called as Candy Jr and CH.EL Minja´s Gyalwang, called Rocky finished both there American Champion titles.
Utah Valley Kennel Club - May 3, 2012, Judge: Cecilia Ringstrom, Alberta Canada
Candy - Winner's Bitch and Best of Winners for a 4 point major and New Champion
Rocky - Reserve Winner's Dog
Utah Valley Kennel Club - May 4, 2012
Judge: Paula Hartinger, Cincinnati, Ohio
Rocky - Winner's Dog - 4 Point Major
Intermountain Kennel Club - May 5, 2012
Judge: Glenda L Henson, Longmont, Colorado
Rocky - Winner's Dog - 4 Pont Major and a New Champion
Intermountain Kennel Club - May 6, 2012
Judge: F M (Butch) MacDonald, Alberta, Canada
Rocky - Select Award
Thank you Fran and congratulations!
pictures coming up soon!!
Best of Breed with a Major for Rocky!
At the Terry All Dogshows in the USA our Lhasa Apso EL Minja´s Gyalwang (aka Rocky) won last Saturday under Judge Norman L Patton Winner's Dog, on Sunday under Judge Dr. Robert A Indeglia Winner's Dog and took Best of Breed over 4 BOB Specials for a 3 point major!! Thank you Fran and congratulations!
Best In Show again for Xivas!!!
New Champion titles again for BIS Multi CH El Minjas Xivas he won BOB, CAC with Estonian and Baltic Champion. With this win Xivas has Xivas gained his 12.and 13. Champion title. "Estonian and Baltic" Champion winning the Group and Res. Best In Show. Breed judge on Saturday 31.03.2012 mr. Wim Wellens NL, Group judge; Mrs Inga Siil EST, BIS judge; Mrs. Lessi Tchistiakova Russia.
Breed and group judge on Sunday 01.04.2012 mr. Hans Almgren SE, BIS judge; Mrs Rita Kadike-Skadina LV and Xivas won Best In Show, His daughter CH Merriott's Cool Cat "Stella" BOS, CAC - New Estonian Champion.
Congratulations to his owners Jette and Ole.

Res Best in Show and Best in Show for Ch EL Minja´s Xivas
with his owner Jette yeoman

Best in Show at Aurora, USA
Best In Show for Rocky and Keyuri
At the HIGH PLAINS KENNEL CLUB Dogshow in Aurora, USA our Lhasa Apso EL Minja´s Gyalwang (aka Rocky) won Best of Breed, Best in Group and Best in Show! Thank you Fran and congratulations!
Israel, at the National Toy Breed club, EL Minja´s Gyaltso wins CW, J.CAC
EL Minja´s Keyuri wins CW, J,CAC, Best Junior, Best female Best of Breed and Best JUNIOR IN SHOW!
Breedjudge Mr Jean Blagino, France. Thank you Pazz and Yael!

EL Minja´s Keyuri winning BIS at the Toy Breed Club
with Pazz, congratulations.
more info coming up soon!
New Champion Title for Solar

BIS.BISS Multi CH EL Minja´s Solar Kyi winning the title Estonia Champion
with Tove Anita, congratulations.

Lhasa Apso Petrus finished in 2011 as the # 1 MALE OF THE BREED in just seven Dogshows established itself as # 1 . the pride of this male, as well as # 5 Topdog overall breed in Brasil, Petrus is the son of El Minja's Amethyst (ROI) and El Minja's Agatha (Moi) both owned by Miriam Kracochansky.

Last weekend In Estonia and Poland:
At the Dogshows in Tallin, Estonia Lhasa Apso BIS. MULTI CH. EL Minja's Solar Kyi won the title Estonia Champion. In Poland at the DogShow in Drzonków
BIS. MULTI CH. EL Minja's Xivas won Best of Breed with CAC, congrats to Tove and Jette

Succes in USA first time at the Dogshow!
At the Plumcreek Dogshow in the USA our Lhasa Apso EL Minja´s Gyalwang (aka Rocky) for the first time out at the Dogshows won a 3 point Major in males, Rocky´s kennelmate EL Minja's Snyin Nye (aka Candy Jr) won as well a 3 point Major in females and Best of Winners.
The Lhasa Apso breed Judge "Mr Joe Watson". Lots of Congratulations Fran and Linda!

Best of Winners at Plumcreek, Denver, USA.

Succes in Israel at the Dogshow!
At Saturday 18/2/2012 Israel Int. Dogshow the Lhasa Apso breed judge was Mrs Margaret Jones from Canada.
We are happy to announce that male EL Minja´s Gyaltso won excellent and got JCAC.
He also was in the finals the last five select for the JBIS.
EL Minja´s Keyuri received excellent with JCAC BOS Best of Breed.
Congratulations for Moli Davidovish.
New Champion Title "Belgium Champion" for;
Multi CH El Minja's Mercedes won at the International Dogshow Mouscron in Belgium, under judge Mr.Harry Donoghe (irl) 1ex CAC/CACIB and BEST OF BREED, she is now Belgium Champion as well. Thank you judge Mr Donoghe.

Best of Breed at Mouscron Int.

Int. Nurnberg CAC/CACIB Dogshow
Champion EL Minja´s Xivas wins Best of Breed and Best in Group!

Int. Nürnberg 14.01.2012 Jette and Ole yeoman had a succesful day in Nürnberg: Multi CH El Minja's Xivas won Best of Breed, and later he won Best in Group 9.
Thank you Jette and judges; Mr.Walter Schiker and Mrs. Bozena Ovesna CZ.

Last year 2011 was very successful for EL Minja´s Lhasa Apsos! Achievements as Best in Shows, Best in Groups, Many Champion titles as Dutch, Belgium, France, Danish, German, American etc, International Champions and Centenary Jahrhunderd Siegers, Europa Siegers, Bundes Siegers and Winner titles as European Winner etc. Proud we are that we won on Top the Prestigious title as one of the only two breeders in the World in our Lhasa Apso breed who won the title of FCI Centenary Champion. Breeders with our offspring have also won many Champion titles, that make us extra proud.

Last Dogshows 2011
Best of Breed for Champion EL Minja´s Yeshey!
at the Christmas Dogshow Wijchen, NL

Ch. EL Minja´s Yeshey with judge Mrs I. Zwaartman-Pinster & Sylvia
winning CAC/CACIB and Best of Breed

Best in Show again for Champion EL Minja´s Xivas!
at the Danish Kennelclub Christmas Dogshow
Champion EL Minja´s Xivas wins Best in Show !

BIS. BISS.Ch. EL Minja´s Xivas with Judge Mr.Jarmo Hilpinen from Finland
Lots of congratulation Jette!

Great start for EL Minja´s Geleg!
At the Dogshow by "Caledon Kennel Association" in Canada Elisabeth B. her Lhasa Apso EL Minja´s Geleg ( aka Winston) won on Saterday November 26, 2011 Winnersdog first time at the Dogshow. He was handled by Monica Park and the Judge was Dr. Robert Smith who is from Virginia USA, Congratulations Elisabeth and Winston!

EL Minja´s Geleg in Canada

Champion EL Minja´s Xivas
wins Best in Show at the Lhasa Apso Club in Denmark
and Gold Lhasa Apso 2011

Ch. EL Minja´s Xivas with judge Mrs W. Weijmans

Gold Medal Lhasa Apso 2011
Lots of congratulation Jette!
BIS Multi Champion EL Minja´s Solar Kyi
received his official diplome of FCI Centenary Shows Champion,
this Prestigious Title is won by 2 Lhasa Apsos only in the breed!

At Eurodogshow Kortrijk my Lhasa Apsos JCh EL Minja´s Thsang-Pa´s Beauty won 1ste Ex in her Class and my Ch EL Minja´s Mercedes won her Championclass and best female with CAC/CACIB under Lhasa Apso judge Mr Hans Almgren from Sweden

3 New Champion Titles "Bundessieger 2011" for;
Solar "Int Ch" and Katie

Ch. EL Minja´s Solar Kyi "Bundessieger 2011 & International Champion"

Ch. EL Minja´s Jawaharlal Nehru "Bundessieger 2011"
judge breedspecialist Mr Mark James from England
at Dortmund VDH Bundessieger Int. Dogshow oktober 2011
New Champion Title "Czech Champion" for;
News from Jette with her BIS Multi CH El Minja's Xivas wich was in Germany and Czech Republic last weekend and won 17th Champion Title !!, Xivas won at the Int.Rostock Dogshow Best of Breed under DK judge Mr. Gert Christensen. In the honorary ring Xivas won Best In Group 3 under Judge, Dr.W.Peper DE
At the Int. Show in Ceské Budejovice CZ Xivas won Best of Breed as well with CAC CACIB and obtained his next title of Czech Champion this time under Judge: Mrs. Olga Dolejsová CZ
Lots of congrats for Jette and Ole in Denmark!
Best In Show for Yeshey
Lhasa Apso Champion EL Minja´s Yeshey won Best of Breed with CAC/VDH and Klubsiegerin 2011 and Best in Show at the 25 years Jubilee Tibetan Breedclub ILT Klubsieger Dogshow in Alsfeld, under judge Mrs Linda Reinelt-Gebauer from Germany.

CH EL Minja´s Yeshey wins Best in Show