Dogshow news archive 2011 |
New Champion Title "Czech Champion"
for;News from Jette with her BIS Multi CH El Minja’s Xivas wich was in Germany and Czech Republic last weekend and won 17th Champion Title !!, Xivas won at the Int.Rostock Dogshow Best of Breed under DK judge Mr. Gert Christensen. In the honorary ring Xivas won Best In Group 3 under Judge, Dr.W.Peper DE
At the Int. Show in Ceské Budejovice CZ Xivas won Best of Breed as well with CAC CACIB and obtained his next title of Czech Champion this time under Judge: Mrs. Olga Dolejsová CZ
Lots of congrats for Jette and Ole in Denmark!
Best In Show for Yeshey
Lhasa Apso Champion EL Minja´s Yeshey won Best of Breed with CAC/VDH and Klubsiegerin 2011 and Best
in Show at the 25 years Jubilee Tibetan Breedclub ILT Klubsieger Dogshow in Alsfeld, under judge Mrs Linda Reinelt-Gebauer from Germany.
CH EL Minja´s Yeshey wins Best in Show
New Champion Titles
"German and VDH Champion" for
Lhasa Apso CH EL Minja´s Solar Kyi he won his titles at the 25 years Jubilee Tibetan Breedclub ILT Klubsieger Dogshow in Alsfeld with CAC/VDH, also Solar won Klubsieger 2011, thank you judge Mrs Linda Reineilt -Gebauer
Ch. EL Minja´s Solar Kyi with Sylvia
Lhasa Apso Champion EL Minja´s Yeshey won
Best of Breed with CAC/VDH
CH EL Minja´s Yeshey
Ch. EL Minja´s Yeshey with judge Mrs Gudrun Menges-Mohr and Sylvia
New Champion Title "German Champion" for;
Apso EL
she won her title today
at Recklinghausen Dogshow, under judge Mr Ferdi
from Germany, Safir finished her title in style with a
Best of Breed,
Thank you judge and congrats for Sylvia & Leoni
EL Minja´s Safir
Ch. EL Minja´s Safir with judge Mr Ferdi Dickman, Leoni and Sylvia
FCI Centenary European Dog Show Winner
FCI Centenary Champion
BIS.BISS. Multi Champion EL Minja´s Solar Kyi
Ch. EL Minja´s Solar Kyi with judge Mr Rafael de Santiago and Sylvia
3 Times Winner of the Centenary Dogshows at Brussels, Dortmund and Leeuwarden, thanks to all the judges and our friends for their support.
New Champion Title
"Dutch Junior Champion" for;
Lhasa Apso EL Minja´s
Thsang-Pa´s Beauty she won her title today
EL Minja´s Thsang-Pa´s Beauty NJK 11
New Champion Title
BIS Int'l. & Am. GCH. El Minja's Jupiter!
lots of congrats for Linda and Fran and thank you for showing Juppy!
Ch EL Minja´s Xivas in Lithuania
wins Lithuanian Champion title and many more titles!
05.08.2011 BIS MultiCh EL Minja's Xivas wins BOB,CAC,CACIB "Druskinikai Cup Winner"
under Judge: Mrs. Magdalena Swieton, Poland
06.08.2011 BIS MultiCh EL Minja's Xivas BOB,CAC,CACIB "BALTIC WINNER 2011"
under Judge: Mrs Birthe Scheel, Denmark, Group Judge: Mrs. Yolanda Nagler Magal, Israel, Xivas selected in the group 9 competition.
07.08.2011 BIS MultiCh EL Minja's Xivas BOB,CAC Club Winner & Best In Show 4
under Judge: Mr. Jevgenij Kupliauskas, Russia, BIS Judge: Yolanda Nagler Magal, Israel
BIS Multi Ch EL Minja's Xivas in Lithuania
lots of congrats for Jette and Ole and thank you for showing Xivas!
Ch EL Minja´s Jawaharlal Nehru Danish Champion
Frank and I were on Tour again this time in Denmark: we had a Great week with excellent results at the International Dogshow in Vejen, Xivas, Solar and Katie and Yeshey were placed and winners in the ring. Hereby we want to thank all the Lhasa friends we meet for there friendly welcome and food and drinks it was a great pleasure, special thanks to Leoni and Lia for taking care at home wenn we were on Tour!
CH EL Minja´s Jawaharlal Nehru wins her Danish Champion Title
with Judge Mrs
Hanne L. Jensen from Denmark
CH EL Minja´s Xivas win CACIB and BOS
with Judge Mr. R. Doedijns from
CH EL Minja's Solar Kyi win CAC/CACIB and best male, CH EL Minja´s Jawaharlal Nehru win CAC/CACIB best female and Best of Breed. Lhasa Apso specialty Judge Mr. Mark James from Great Britain
WorldDogshow in Paris
CH EL Minja´s Solar Kyi with Sylvia foto by Yvonne Cannon
CH EL Minja´s Jawaharlal Nehru with Sylvia foto by Micheala Hall
Frank and I had a wonderful weekend with excellent results at the Worlddogshow in Paris, Solar and Katie were placed with the best in the ring and it was a great pleasure too meet all our friends from abroad!
News from Latvia, Jette Yeoman went too: Ogre, Latvia. Group IX Show with
BIS.MultiCH EL Minja’s Xivas and won Best Of Breed, CAC, and
Best In Show 3 –
NEW Latvian Champion.
Breed and BIS judge; Mrs. Catherina Lebret, BG
Xivas, jette and judge Mrs C.Lebret
Ogre, Latvia National Show on July 3rd. BIS.MultiCH El Minja’s Xivas BOB,CAC,
Best In Group 2 under Breed judge; Mrs Nikolina Davidovska, BG, Group judge;
Mrs. Catherina Lebret, BG
Ch EL Minja´s Nashua winner Eukanuba Award 2010
Ch EL Minja´s Nashua FCI Award
My Lhasa Apso Champion EL Minja´s Nashua received her International and qualifying title in the post for the FCI Centenary World Champion of Champion Dogshow at Brussels.
Ch EL Minja´s Nashua Belgium Champion
Champion EL Minja´s Nashua
International Dogshow Genk, Belgium, CH EL Minja´s Nashua won CAC/CACIB and Best Female, Nashua Obtained her Belgium Champion title. Judge for the Lhasa Apso was Mr Freddy DeClerq from Belgium.
International Dogshow Oss, Holland CH EL Minja´s Yeshey won CAC/CACIB Best Female and Best of Breed. Judge for the Lhasa Apso was Mrs J.Toebak-van Valkenburg from Holland, congrats to Sylvia and Lia.
Best of Breed Oss, Ch. EL Minja´s Yeshey
Judge Mrs J Toebak van Valkenburg and Frank
11 may: At the "Historical Military Airport Valkenburg" Sylvia received the Eukanuba Award Throphee for best dog group 9 in the year 2010 Dogshow season in the Netherlands, with a Great Dinner and Musical Event.
Eukanuba Award 2010
21 may: Dogshow Wieze, Belgium, CH EL Minja´s Nashua won CAC Best Female and
Best of Breed. Judge for the Lhasa Apso was Mr Goran Gladic from Serbia.
Champion EL Minja´s Nashua
14 may: Dogshow Goes, CH EL Minja´s Jawaharlal Nehru (Katie) won best female and CAC/CACIB. EL Minja's Thsang-Pa Beauty won 1st Ex. in Juniorclass, breed judge Mrs A.Bystrup from Denmark.
Superb weekend 6/7/8 may
Frank and Sylvia at Dortmund
FCI Centenary Dog Show Winner
and 2 times
VDH - EuropaSieger Titles
Lhasa Apso Klub Best of Breed
for Solar and Katie and Xivas
Solar: FCI Centenary Dog Show Winner
Solar on the move
Solar & Katie with Judge Mrs Gudrun Menges-Mohr
Europasieger and Europasiegerin
Dortmund FCI Jahrhundert and Europasieger International Dogshow,
Lhasa Apso Judge Mr K.Jarvinen and Mrs G Menges-Mohr.
CH EL Minja's Solar Kyi
won both days CAC/CACIB, Solar earned the titles FCI Centenary
Dog Show Winner and EuropaSieger.
CH EL Minja´s Jawaharlal Nehru
won CAC/CACIB with the title Europasiegerin at Europasieger dogshow with the
Best of Breed.
In Skævinge Danmark on sunday at the Lhasa Apso Klubshow under judge Mrs Chantal Mery CH EL Minja´s Xivas won Best of Breed, congrats to Sylvia, Jette, Tove and Lia.
Thanks to all the judges who appreciate our Lhasas so much.
Champion Title for Yeshey
In France at the Int Doghsow in Amiens
EL Minja's Yeshey won her last CAC for the title France Champion!. The judge for the Lhasa Apso breed was Mrs Sylvie Desserne from France. Thanks to all the judges who appreciate Yeshey so much, congrats for Lia & Sylvia.
Champion EL Minja´s Yeshey
BIS Int'l. & Am.
CH. El Minja's Jupiter won Best of Breed both days at the Gavilan Kennel Club shows in California.there was a major in dogs both days. Lhasa Apso judge Sat. - Mr. James Ham judge on sunday - Mr. Robert Ennis, congrats Linda well done!
Champion EL Minja´s Jupiter at Dogshow in California with Mrs Linda Crabill Byrne
At the Paashow International Dogshow at Leeuwarden, CH EL Minja's Solar Kyi won best male with CAC/CACIB. CH EL Minja´s Jawaharlal Nehru (Katie) won best female and CAC/CACIB. EL Minja's Thsang-Pa Beauty won 1st Ex. in Juniorclass. CH EL Minja´s Jawaharlal Nehru won Best of Breed. The judge for the Lhasa Apso´s Mrs Britta Roos-Borjeson from Sweden. Thank you judge and congrats for Lia, Sylvia and Tove.
Best of Breed with judge Mrs B. Roos-Borjeson
Multi CH EL Minja´s Jawaharlal Nehru
Xivas did it again!!!!
Res. Best In Show
for Lhasa Apso CH EL Minja´s Xivas!
at Oldenburg april 9, Germany
Breed judge: Mr. Istvan Csik, DE
Group Judge: Mrs. Alenka Pokorn, SLO
BIS Judge: Mrs. Martha Heine, DE
on sunday BOB under Mr. Gert
Christensen, DK
Best in Group Oldenburg 2011
Res.Best in Show Oldenburg 2011
Jette, with CH EL Minja´s Xivas ans Mrs Martha Heine!
Congratulations Jette & Ole.
Our sincerely thanks to all Judges who appreciate Xivas!
Today my Lhasa Apso Champion EL Minja´s Mercedes received her qualifying title in the post for the FCI Centenary World Champion of Champion Dogshow at Brussels.
Xivas and Juppy did it also!!!!
Best In Show
for Lhasa Apso CH EL Minja´s Jupiter!
Am.CH. El Minja's Jupiter
went with Linda to the International shows last weekend (4 shows in
California) and Yuppy awarded
Best in Show, with a
total of
3 Group 1's, and
1 Group 2, and he
earned his
International championship
in one weekend!
Yuppy finished:
BIS Int.& Am. CH. El Minja's Jupiter!
more coming up soon!
Congratulations Linda, Fran & John.
at the DKK Dogshow Tønder with +1600 entries
Best In Show 4
for Lhasa Apso CH EL Minja´s Xivas!
Jette, with CH EL Minja´s Xivas!
Congratulations Jette & Ole.
Angers CAC CACIB Dogshow
Best In Show
for our Lhasa Apso CH EL Minja´s Solar Kyi!
March 26/27th;
Saterday: National D´Elevage Club des Chiens Tibetains de France, 56 Lhasa Apsos entered under judge Mr Patrick Dewaele, CH EL Minja's Solar Kyi R.CACS and EL Minja's Mercedes 2nd in her class, EL Minja´s Yeshey CACS and won Best of Breed!
Sunday: The International CACIB Dogshow Angers 2100 dogs, the breed club held at this dogshow "Speciale de Race, for Tibetan breeds"; CH EL Minja's Solar Kyi won best male with CACS/CACIB. CH EL Minja´s Yeshey won best female and CACS/CACIB. EL Minja's Mercedes 1st in her class.
Solar won Best of Breed and Best in Group and Best in Show, the Lhasa Apso judge Mrs Linda Volarikova, the Best in Group judge Mr Roger Barenne, and the Best in Show judge was Mr Arrue Pinto Jose-Luis.
Best in Group Angers 2011
Best in Show Angers 2011
CH EL Minja´s Solar Kyi with judges
Group 1 for EL Minja's Snyin Nye aka
Candy Jr at Plumcreek!
Best in Group Candy with Fran Strayer
Best in Show 7 for Katie
The International Dogshow KV Rijnland at Plantarium, Leiden, CH EL Minja's Solar Kyi won best male with CAC/CACIB. CH EL Minja´s Jawaharlal Nehru (Katie) won best female and CAC/CACIB. EL Minja's Yeshey won 1st Ex. in her class with R.CAC/CACIB. CH EL Minja´s Jawaharlal Nehru won Best of Breed and Best in Group and Best in Show 7. The judge for the Lhasa Apsos was Mrs Linda Volarikova and Best in Group was Mrs Jos Dekker from Holland and the Best in Show judge was Mrs E. Chwalibog from Poland. Thank you judges and congrats for Lia, Sylvia and Tove.
Best in Group with judge Mrs Jos Dekker
Best in Show 4 for Katie
New Champion Title for Solar
The International Martini Dogshow at Martiniplaza, Groningen 2400 dogs were entered at this Dogshow, CH EL Minja's Solar Kyi won best male with CAC/CACIB and finished for Dutch Champion, CH EL Minja´s Jawaharlal Nehru (Katie) won best female and CAC/CACIB. EL Minja's Yeshey won 1st Ex. in her class. CH EL Minja´s Jawaharlal Nehru won Best of Breed and Best in Group and Best in Show 4. Solar and Katie both have the title "Groningen Winner" The judge for the Lhasa Apso breed was Mrs Anika Ulltveit-Moe from Sweden and the Group judge Mrs Spela Briski Cirman from Slovenia, the Best in Show judge was Mr T. Eerola from Finland. Thank you judges and congrats for Lia, Sylvia and Tove.
Best in Group with judge Mrs Spela Briski Cirman
Solar, Katie, with judge Mrs Anika Ulltveit-Moe
Today my Lhasa Apso Champion EL Minja´s Jawaharlal Nehru received her qualifying title in the post for the FCI Centenary World Champion of Champion Dogshow at Brussels.
February; At
the Denver Plumcreek Kennel Club 4 days Dogshow
EL Minja´s Snyin-Nye aka Candy
Jr. won the 1st
day: Winner's
Bitch, & Best of Winners
under Judge Mrs Ann Hearn and on the 2nd day:
Winner's Bitch, & Best of
Winners under Judge Mrs
Karen S McFarlane and
Group 1 Bred By under Judge Barbara Murray!
3rd day
Bitch, at the Colorado Kennel Club under Dr. Roger S Pritchard and
the 4th day at Colorado Kennel Club under Judge Dr Michael T Manning
Candy Jr was
Winner's Bitch and Best of Winners
Candy Jr went undefeated this weekend!. Candy Jr is
owned by Fran and Sylvia.
Best in Show again for Solar!Tweet
February 13th, at the STG Bi-Yearly Dogshow for FCI Groep 9 (utility/Toy) in Holland CH EL Minja's Solar Kyi won best male with CAC and CH EL Minja´s Jawaharlal Nerhu won best female and CAC CH EL Minja´s Mercedes won 2nd in her class. Solar won Best of Breed and Best Tibetan in Show and finally Best In Show!
The judge for the Lhasa Apso breed was Mrs P.C. Zwaartman-Pinster ,best Tibetan by judge Mrs W.Schrander and Best in Show judge was Mr H. Hilverda all judges from Holland. Thank you so much for your judging.
Solar with judge Mr Hans Hilverda and Sylvia
Last weekend Bev Adams showed her Champion Ali in New York at Madison the famous Westminster Kennelclub Dogshow, very well done Bev we are proud on you.
Bev, with her beautiful Ali!
January 30th, at Castrop-Rauxel in Germany Multi Champion EL Minja´s Xivas obtained another German Champion Title with Best of Breed and Group 3rd under judge Mr Svend Loevenkjaer, Xivas is owned and handled by Jette Yeoman from Denmark, congratulations for Jette and thank you for showing Xivas so well.
Jette, with CH EL Minja´s Xivas!
Bev Adams
will be showing her
Champion Ali At the
Westminster Kennel Club 135th Annual Dog Show,
February 14-15, 2011, Madison Square Garden,New York!
The Dogshow will be TV Broadcast live Monday on USA Network from 8-9 PM ET and continuing on CNBC from 9-11.
Bev, we all wish you lots of success!
International Paris Dogshow at Bois de Vincennes, 3000 dogs were entered at
this wonderful Dogshow, for all Tibetan breeds there was a clubspecial.
CH EL Minja's Solar Kyi won best male
with CACS/CACIB and
CH EL Minja´s Mercedes
won best female and CACS/CACIB. Solar won
Best of Breed
and he was selected and finished with the
3 best in the Group
finals! The judge for the Lhasa Apso breed was Mrs Annukka Paloheimo from
Finland and the Group judge Mr Mattera from France.
Mercedes and Solar with judge Mrs Annukka Paloheimo and Frank & Sylvia