Best in Show
Champion and Grand Champion
EL Minja’s Gyalwang called Rocky won
Best in Show at the American Lhasa Apso Club 2013

Best In Show again for Xivas!
New Champion titles again for BIS Multi CH EL Minja’s Xivas he won BOB, CAC with Estonian and Baltic Champion. With this win Xivas has gained his 12. and 13. Champion title. “Estonian and Baltic” Champion winning the Group and Res. Best in Show.. Breed judge on Saterday 31.03.2012 mr. Wim Wellens NL, Group judge; Mrs Inga Siil EST, BIS judge; Mrs Lessi Tchistiakova Russia.
Breed and Group judge on Sunday 01.04.2012 mr. Hans Almgren SE, BIS judge Mrs. Rita Kadike-Skadina LV and Xivas won Best In Show. His daughter CH Merriot’s Cool Cat “Stella” BOS, CAC-New Estonian Champion. Congratulations to his owners Jette and Ole.

Res Best in Show and Best in Show for CH EL Minja’s Xivas with his owner Jette Yeoman

Best in Show at Aurora, USA
Best In Show for Rocky and Keyuri
At the HOGH PLAINS KENNEL CLUB Dogshow in Aurora, USA our Lhasa Apso EL Minja’s Gyalwang (aka Rocky) won Best of Breed, Best in Group and Best in Show! Thank you Fran and Congratulations!
Israel, at the National Toy Breed club, EL Minja’s Gyaltso wins CW, J. CAC
EL Minja’s Keyuri wins CW, J.CAC, Best Junior, Best female, Best of Breed and Best JUNIOR IN SHOW! Breed judge Mr Jean Blagino, France. Thank you Pazz and Yael!

EL Minja’s Keyuri winning BIS at the Toy Breed Club with Pazz, congratulations.
Best in Show again for Champion EL Minja’s Xivas!
At the Danish Kennelclub Christmas dogshow
Champion EL Minja’s Xivas wins Best in Show!

BIS. BISS. CH. EL Minja’s Xivas with Judge Mr. Jarmo Hilpinen from Finland
Lots of congratulation Jette!
Best In Show for Yeshey
Lhasa Apso Champion EL Minja’s Yeshey won Best of Breed with CAC/VDH and Klubsiegerin 2011 and Best in Show at the 25 years Jubilee Tibetan Breedclub ILT Klubsieger Dogshow in Alsfeld, under judge Mrs. Linda Reinelt-Gebauer from Germany.
22/23 october 2005 Leuven
At the 16th Lovanium CAC CACIB Dogshow 2005
Best In Show
for our Lhasa Apso Kalif at the age of 23 months;

Best in Show at the CAC-CACIB int Dogshow Leuven!

Best in Group and best dog of saturday

BIS. CH. Kokomo Kalif
Lovanium international dogshow with CAC/CACIB 22/23 october, my Lhasa Apso male Kokomo Kalif won 1ste Ex and obtain the championships CAC/CACIB and Best of Breed, my Lhasa Apso female EL Minja’s Thamina won as well the 1ste Ex and obtain the championships CAC/CACIB. In juniorclass Na-Ri obtain also 1ste Ex and best junior. The Lhasa Apso breed judge was Mrs. Gillian McDowell and Kalif was running trough the ring of honor in the Froup 9 judging under judge Mrs. Monique Van Brempt, Best of Day honored by judge Mr. Jacques Senecat, on Sunday the Best in Show judging was done by promiment judge Mr Martin van de Weijer.

Marian, Kalif judge Mrs G McDowell, Thamina and Sylvia
congratulations for Team EL Minja’s: Frank, Sylvia, Marian, Lia, Gerda en Ria

Marian and Kalif in action!
A dream for the dreamer and esteem for those who put in all the efforts to realize their dreams!
The essence of breeding!